Guest speakers Alexa Colemire and Shelly Shields

Guest speakers Alexa Colemire and Shelly Shields

The Mason County Men’s Club met Wednesday, June 8, at 9 a.m. at the French Quarter Inn in Maysville for its regular June meeting with 24 members and one guest present (in addition to our Guest Speakers).

President Charles Thomas opened the meeting with Lou Browning offering prayer and David Collins leading the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The treasurer’s report was provided as well as the minutes from the last meeting, both of which were approved as read. The group then broke for a wonderful breakfast before the guest speakers gave their presentation.

This month the guest speakers were Alexa Colemire and Shelly Shields of the Mason County Public Library. They discussed the library’s many programs for adults and students as well as their partnerships with several organizations throughout Mason County, their Outreach Program, physical and digital book collections. The library obtains approximately 400 books per month, with RFID tagging of each book a significant new task.

Following the presentation by the guest speakers, they were each presented with a Mason County Men’s Club coffee mug in appreciation of their service and the presentation.

Then the group celebrated Lou Browning’s 90th birthday. Lou had brought his son (from Arizona) as his guest to the meeting, and provided cupcakes to the group who sang Happy Birthday to him.

With no further business to bring before the group, the meeting adjourned.