AUGUSTA — The Augusta Rotary Club recently gave an update on a grant-funded project to install new dog doors at the Bracken County Animal Shelter.
According to Assistant Governor of the Augusta Rotary Club Tom Burke, the rotary club received an annual grant of $1,500 earlier this year. He noted the funds come from Rotary International and are meant to be used for a local project.
In the last four years, the rotary club has fulfilled four local projects, Burke added.
In order to be eligible for the grant, the club must match at least 50 percent of the funds contributed by Rotary International. Burke said Augusta Rotary Club typically matches 100 percent of the grant received.
Burke explained that, although the club has $3,000 between Rotary International and funds matched by the club, additional donations are always greatly appreciated. He noted the total cost for the project is expected to be around $8,000.
During an Augusta Rotary Club meeting held earlier this month, Burke updated fellow Rotarians on the project and what progress had been made in the last few months.
According to Burke, a team of Rotarians has met at the Bracken County Animal Shelter several times since announcing the project earlier this year. He went on to discuss what progress has been made on the doors.
After announcing the project, the Augusta Rotary Club ordered one custom sized dog door as a “trial” piece. Burke said more doors will be ordered if the outcome of the door’s installation is satisfactory.
“Per Robin Snapp, manager at the Bracken County Animal Shelter, the trial door has really reduced the draft of air from the outside and will allow the dogs to freely move between the inside and outside pens,” Burke remarked. “Besides doubling their roaming space, it allows them to potty outside away from their sleeping quarters inside.”
A total of 16 doors have been ordered since the last Rotary Club meeting. Burke said the doors will be installed before March 2024.
As doors are installed, they will be bolted to the inside of the kennel at the animal shelter. Burke said the team involved with the project will try to get exterior “guillotine” doors working after the doors have been bolted to the kennel.
Since requesting donations in October, the Augusta Rotary Club has received $995.65 from community members. According to Burke, those donations brings the total amount of funds to $3,995.65.
Notations in the club’s meeting minutes suggest the club is “very close” to having enough money to fully cover the project intended to replace the dog doors at the Bracken County Animal Shelter.
The notations also suggested fundraising by the club is ending. Some Rotarians may provide the remaining funds if the project comes up short when the remaining number of doors are ordered and installed.
To inquire about whether it is still possible to donate to project funds, please call 513-635-7751. The Augusta Rotary Club’s progress can be tracked through the club’s website at