Cutting the designs to fit the wood slices was challeging but fun.
                                 Dawn Floyd/The Ledger Independent

Cutting the designs to fit the wood slices was challeging but fun.

Dawn Floyd/The Ledger Independent

<p>When using mod-podge to glue the designs a paintbrush was used to achieve an even coat.</p>

When using mod-podge to glue the designs a paintbrush was used to achieve an even coat.

<p>Everybody had four designs to use and each person used them in different ways.</p>

Everybody had four designs to use and each person used them in different ways.

<p>Once the mod-podge dries it’s clear and only the colored parts of the designs can be seen.</p>

Once the mod-podge dries it’s clear and only the colored parts of the designs can be seen.

For the sixth day of Mason County Public Library’s ‘12 days of Wonder’ event on Wednesday, Dec. 7, participants made Nordic ornaments.

Nordic ornaments are Scandinavian Christmas decorations with a focus on using natural elements and classic colors such as red, green, gold and silver.

Each participant at the event was given three round wood slices and a cup of mod-podge as MCPL Programming Coordinator, Heather Wheeler, explained how the decorations would be made.

“You can do these in whatever way you want, first come up and pick out which napkins you want to use,” Wheeler said.

Each napkin had a different design including snowflakes, deer, squirrels and cardinals which Wheeler explained could be peeled to a tissue thin layer then cut to size and glued to the wood slices using mod-podge and a paintbrush.

“You can get three napkins or six so you can do the front and the back of the ornaments,” Wheeler said.

Designs could also be mixed or layered over each other Wheeler explained. Some participants took small elements from each napkin like snowflakes, leaves or berries and put them all together on an ornament.

Other participants took a pattern such as snowflakes and used it as a base and then put a deer or squirrel as the focus.

Wheeler explained to only use a thin layer of mod-podge on the wood before putting the design on it and then to let it dry a bit before putting a layer of mod-podge over the design to seal the design.

At the end of the class, every participant had three uniquely designed ornaments to take home and put on their Christmas tree.