Visitors gather to watch the premiere of paranormal quest at the Augusta Pub.
                                 Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent

Visitors gather to watch the premiere of paranormal quest at the Augusta Pub.

Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent

<p>Augusta Pub</p>
                                 <p>Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent</p>

Augusta Pub

Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent

<p>The paranormal quest video begins premiering at the Augusta Pub.</p>
                                 <p>Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent</p>

The paranormal quest video begins premiering at the Augusta Pub.

Lauren Tatman/The Ledger Independent

AUGUSTA – Augusta Pub has decades of history to its name which prompted a ghost hunting duo named Paranormal Quest to visit the property and conduct an investigation.

Results of what the investigation found was premiered at the pub on Saturday night Jan. 6 at a Paranormal Quest watch party.

Booths and tables filled with eager visitors to see what was found during the ghost hunting investigation as the clock ticks down closer to 7 p.m. when the watch party officially began.

A spokesperson for the pub stated, “Paranormal Quest to come in and do a paranormal investigation and the debut of that which some of have not seen yet.”

The owners of the pub did not know what Paranormal Quest found in its investigation and was finding out at the same time as everyone there seeing the premiere.

Everyone was excited to see what was discovered in the investigation as a countdown of five minutes played on the TV leading to the video premiere.

With over 165,000 subscribers Paranormal Quest are a duo on YouTube and travel to different cities and towns visiting buildings and conduct ghost hunting investigations in places where reports of haunted incidents have taken place.

During the video Ryan and Dave stationed themselves in different areas of the pub with equipment that can detect movement and play in real time transcripts of voices and what they are saying.

While in the basement of the pub Ryan sat and asked questions hoping to get some movement on the electronic devices being used.

Words like “Graveyard”, “Bible”, “Spirit”, “Dig” and “Tombstone” were some of the many words that came across the voice transcript device while Ryan was in the pub basement investigating.

Up above around two floors higher Dave was in a kitchen investigating reports of a ghost being heard and seen that is a woman.

There was a moment where the voice transcript device picked up something saying the word “Kitchen” while Dave was standing in the kitchen on the higher floor level of the pub.

At one point a little bit later once Dave left that kitchen and walked into another room the voice transcript picked up another voice saying “Greetings” to him.

Ryan heard what sounded like someone walking on the floor above him when Dave was not on that floor but even higher than that which made footsteps become a part of the investigation findings.

Both Dave and Ryan decided to move to the ending location for the investigation which was the main floor where the bar and restaurant are located.

Reports of pictures falling down, figure shadows being seen and glass bottles being thrown to the floor are some of the multiple sightings that people have seen and talked about at the pub.

While on the main floor level Dave and Ryan heard more words being projected on the voice transcript device and even heard what they believe was a piece of candy sitting at the entrance being knocked down on the floor.

Paranormal Quest’ investigation into the Augusta Pub was both an interesting and adventurous experience with many findings from words being transcript-ed from what was believed to be ghosts’ and movement light sensors flashing on and off especially when talking to the people believed to be ghosts’ in the pub.

The video of the investigation can be found on the official YouTube channel Paranormal Quest.