November 14, Judge Kim Leet Razor Presiding:
Jason Matthew Bartleson, 42, speeding ten miles per hour over limit, pretrial conference December 5.
William Brashears, 31, theft by unlawful taking, failure to appear, bench warrant issued.
Michael Christopher Carpenter, 30, speeding ten miles per hour over limit, failure to appear DOT.
Alishia Marie Crawford, 29, false report which generates an emergency response, harassing communications, failure to appear, bench warrant issued.
Tanner Paul Hord, 29, speeding ten miles per hour over limit, failure to appear DOT.
Jacob Daniel Johnson, 29, fourth-degree assault minor injury, pretrial conference January 2.
Cadence Michelle Laverge, 18, speeding ten miles per hour over, no operators/moped license, pretrial conference Januray 9.
Purna Bahadur Poudel, 36, speeding ten miles per hour over limit, failure to appear DOT.
Elizabeth Prewitt, 37, local county ordinance, failure to appear, notice December 5.
Kenneth Arthur Sims, 31, violation of Kentucky E.P.O./D.V.O., pretrial conference December 12.
Jeffrey Tyler Vice, 36, speeding 15 miles per hour limit, no/expired Kentucky registration receipt, no/expired registration plates, failure to produce insurance card, failure to appear, notice November 28, jury trial December 5.
Steven Tucker, 31, third-degree terroristic threatening, first-degree strangulation, second-degree unlawful imprisonment, fourth-degree assault domestic violence minor injury, bound to grand jury.