Limestone Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution held their annual business meeting and election of officers on May 16 at Paxton Inn.
Chapter officers and chairmen reported on the past year’s activities.
Elected and installed to serve as the 2023-2025 officers were Regent Teresa Huber, Vice Regent Sonja Eads, Chaplain Kim Savage, Recording Secretary Kate Zweigart, Corresponding Secretary Chyleigh Rose, Treasurer Dena Green, Registrar Charlotte Allison, Historian Belle Cord, and Librarian Susan Sandlin.
On June 13, Limestone Chapter held their annual joint Flag Day Picnic with George Mason Chapter SAR, and Limestone Society CAR at the home of Robert and Gwendolyn Boone.
Those in attendance enjoyed a delicious potluck meal.
Special guests for the meeting were Kentucky State Regent Linda Conrad with her husband, Jim. Mrs. Conrad brought greetings on behalf of the state society and she enjoyed visiting the Lafayette Trail marker placed at the Kentucky Gateway Museum Center.
A focus for her state project is to raise funds to place more of the Lafayette Trail markers around the Commonwealth.
The Flag Day Picnic program was presented by Phillips’ Folly owners Robert and Gwendolyn Boone. They shared the history and genealogy of the house and the important Maysville citizens who have resided in the grand home.
Limestone Chapter members who are serving on the state board attended the KSDAR Summer Workshop in Madisonville on Aug. 12. They are Sonja Eads, Charlotte Allison, and Dena Green.
2022-2023 awards from the recent Continental Congress were announced with the local chapter and members being recognized. They received the following: Chapter Achievement Award – Blue level, DAR Library Outreach Committee recognized State Librarian Sonja Eads for Outstanding Service, and Children of the American Revolution Committee in the East Central Division for Outstanding Chapter Support.
Several individual members were recognized for Outstanding Personal Support for the CAR Committee and these members were Sandra Humphries, Teresa Huber, Belle Cord, Melissa Humphries, and Dena Green. The chapter is especially proud of their first national winner in the American History Essay contest with Mia Neeley, fifth grade at St. Patrick’s School.
For more information on membership in the DAR, please email