The Outgoing Working Ladies Club met for the September meeting the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 5, at DeSha’s.

President Carla Padgett welcomed eight members to the meeting.

The blessing was offered by Laura Jefferson. Members then recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

Minutes from the June meeting were read by Sharon Cooper. Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Sara Fryman. Laura Jefferson seconded the motion and minutes were approved by all.

The treasurer’s report was given by Sara Fryman. Motion to approve the report was made by Susan Iery and seconded by Kate Zweigart. The report was then approved by all.

Members discussed the Analysis Service Charge that was charged by the bank. Carla Padgett will talk to them again about the charge. Members discussed other banks for the checking account.

Membership dues were taken and plans for this year’s fundraiser at the Pig Out on Sept. 22 and 23 was discussed. The club will again offer two gift baskets for ticket purchase at $1 each or six for $5.

The “UK Basket” includes two tickets to a UK basketball game, two throws, tumbler, KY hat, glasses, throw rug, three t-shirts, car coasters, car ornament, coin purse and a wooden UK ornament.

The “Swine, Wine and Dine Basket” includes a country ham, Baker Bird wine, deSha’s gift certificate, fall potholder, two dish towels, loaf pan and spatula set, “Welcome to our Patch” sign, “Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please” sign and a scarecrow.

Tickets may be purchased from any OWL Club member and at the Pig Out.

Officers will discuss policies for scholarships before time for the next scholarship recruitment. Members will collect for The Ion Center Pet Protection Program at the October meeting which will be held Tuesday, Oct. 3 at Caproni’s.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Pat Lively and seconded by Sharon Cooper. The meeting was then adjourned.