Ledger Independent – Maysville Online

Ripley Mayor gets sworn in by city council

Newly elected Ripley Mayor Travis Arnett who is on the right gets sworn in at council meeting. Photo submitted by the Village of Ripley

RIPLEY, Ohio – The Village of Ripley Council met last week on Dec. 29 and held the swearing-in of the newly elected Ripley Mayor Travis Arnett and newly elected council members Tiffany Regenstein and Kathy Lewis.

Arnett was elected Ripley Mayor during the November local election in 2023 a few months ago winning with 209 votes and around 42 percent according to the Brown County Board of Elections.

On Dec. 29, three days before the official start of his term he was sworn into his Mayoral position.

“I solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of Ohio and will obey the laws thereof and that I will in all respects uphold and enforce the ordinances and resolutions of the Village of Ripley and will faithfully discharge the duties of mayor upon which I’m about to enter” Arnett repeated to a council member swearing him in as Mayor.

After repeating the oath for Mayor of Ripley, Arnett then signed the official paperwork that made everything official and began his term from that moment.

Following Arnett being sworn in as Mayor newly elected Ripley Council members Tiffany Regenstein and Kathy Lewis were sworn in by the same council member.

Regenstein and Lewis were also elected to the Village of Ripley Council during the November local election in 2023. Regentstein won the election with 247 votes and around 33 percent. Lewis won the election with 262 votes and around 35 percent according to the Brown County Board of Elections.

Raising their right hand and repeated the official oath of the council that was repeated by Arnett but ended differently Regenstein and Lewis stated, “Will faithfully discharge the duties of a member of the council upon which I am about to enter.”

Paperwork was signed this time by Regenstein and Lewis to mark the official beginning of their term on the Village of Ripley Council.