Jackson Frame vs Wesley Walton

Chase Thornill vs BJ Knox

Drew Traxel vs Christian Vining

Scott Ward vs Robert Walton

Josh Weber vs Matt Stoneburner

John Hoh vs Mike Pell

Eric Schumacher vs Eric Davis

Austin Swentzl vs Joe Traxel


Brett Sanders vs Hunter Fuller

Chad Haggard vs Seth Vice

Kevin Ireland vs Jamey High

Kenny Ray Haggard vs Steve Hicks

David Orme vs Pat Latham

Rodney Tolle vs Jeff Cracraft

Nathan Cracraft vs Jason Howard

Andrew Wilson vs Todd Curless


Tom Brieske vs Greg Lockhart

Eddie Outlaw vs Lee Bradley

Jacob Pell vs Kyle Shadoan

David Goldman vs Kevin Wagner

Gabe Grutza vs Joe Weber

Sean Neeley vs Clint Ravencraft

David Fletcher vs Hunt Thornhill

Louie Neff vs DJ Hodge


Pearce Mayer vs Kelly Caudill

Jim Thornhill vs Doug Hendrickson

Jeff Chase vs Greg Short

Al Faris vs Alan Harrison

Dan Dezarn vs Warren Markwell

Bob Canada vs Chris Braxla

Mike Marinaro vs Fred Hassolach

John Chamberlain vs Simon Watt


Michael Clarke vs Shane Whitemore

Steve Silverstein vs Joe Thornhill

John Yellman vs Jim Finch

Robert Forrester vs John Brooks

Gerry Manning vs Jacob Bradley

John Estill vs Don Wilson

Jeremiah Neeley vs Hunter Thornhill

Bob Grutza vs Dan Thompson

Jackson Frame hits a shot during the championship match of the 83rd Chippeways golf tournament against Eric Schumacher, Sunday, at the Maysville Country Club. Frame hits a shot during the championship match of the 83rd Chippeways golf tournament against Eric Schumacher, Sunday, at the Maysville Country Club.