A series of public meetings to discuss the comprehensive plan updates will be held over the next few months in Maysville.
The City of Maysville, Mason County Fiscal Court and the Mason County Joint Planning Commission have partnered with the Community Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky to update the plan, according to Maysville Planning and Zoning Administrator George Larger.
Larger said that during the public meetings, data will be pulled from the recent survey to initiate discussion on the plan.
“We will use that survey data that we’ve collected to have a discussion with the public on the goals and objectives,” he said.
Each meeting will have a different theme. The themes include community facilities, housing, economic development, transportation, culture and history, agriculture and rural areas and land use and environment.
The survey data is being pulled from the comprehensive survey that was available over the last few months for the public to give their input on what was important in the community.
“We designed the survey to get input on what people think is important. We will use the survey responses to generate data for when we have public meetings. The public meetings will be where the public helps to craft the comprehensive plan’s goals and objectives,” Larger said about the survey in June.
The survey closed on Friday.
The meeting schedule is as follows:
— Tuesday, Oct. 3 at Maysville Community and Technical College. The theme will be community facilities.
— Thursday, Oct. 5 at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be community facilities.
— Tuesday, Oct. 17 at the Mason County Public Library. The theme will be housing.
— Thursday, Oct. 19 at MCTC. The theme will be housing.
— Thursday, Nov. 2 at MCTC. The theme will be economic development.
— Thursday, Nov. 9. at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be economic development.
— Tuesday, Dec. 5 at MCTC. The theme will be transportation.
— Thursday, Dec. 7 at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be transportation.
— Tuesday, Jan. 9 at MCTC. The theme will be culture and history.
— Thursday, Jan. 11 at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be culture and history.
— Tuesday, Jan. 23 at the Orangeburg Fire Hall. The theme will be agriculture and rural areas.
— Thursday, Jan. 25 at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be agriculture and rural areas.
— Tuesday, Jan. 30 at MCTC. The theme will be land use and the environment.
— Thursday, Feb. 1 at the May’s Lick Fire Hall. The theme will be land use and the environment.
Every meeting will begin at 6 p.m.
“We would like as many people involved as possible,” Larger said. “This is the community’s shared vision.”
According to Larger, there will also be free childcare provided by the Limestone Family YMCA for those who wish to attend the meetings.
For questions, contact Larger at 606-564-2719 or email him at georgelarger@cityofmaysvilleky.gov.