The Mason County Men’s Club met Wednesday, April 14 at 9 a.m. with breakfast at the French Quarter.

There were 27 members in attendance. Welcoming remarks were made by President Charles Thomas, with the meeting then opening with prayer by Rev. Bob Hudson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Bill Savage.

A short business meeting was conducted wherein Secretary Harry Mann read the minutes from the last meeting (which was Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2020), and then Treasurer Pat Gantley went over the Club’s finances.

It was announced that, even while the Club had been unable to meet for some time (due to COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions on gatherings), the Club had continued support of the Food Pantry making monthly donations throughout the winter and into the spring months; it was also announced that no dues were required for 2021 due to the limited activities that were organized last year due to the restrictions put in place relative to meetings and gatherings during the pandemic.

It was announced that donations to the food pantry that morning exceeded $70. A motion was made by Rev. Bob Hudson to add $25 per month to the donations made during the meetings through the end of the year, so as to offer continued support of the food pantry; the motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Rev. Bob Hudson asked members who wanted email reminders to provide an email address, and also mentioned that if any member did not have a nametag to let him know and it would be provided.

Being no further business, members then had breakfast. While the vast majority —- if not all —- of the members present had both COVID-19 vaccinations/injections, members were required to wear masks prior to breakfast, and wore both masks and latex gloves when approaching the food serving table; Carol – as always – did a fine job providing breakfast, with no complaints and no one leaving hungry.

Due to the uncertainty of the number of persons who would attend this meeting (the first since November), no guest speaker was obtained; instead the members were encouraged to briefly discuss items of interest. Speakers included Pat Gantley, Craig Stanfield, Mike Stitt, Harry Mann, Jim Shires, Lou Browning, Bill Gatherwright, Tom Coe, and Charles Thomas and topics were wide and varied and included health and wellness, the high esteem placed by the members of the Club of the Markey Cancer Center in Lexington, Lucille Markey’s connection to the region, familial connections to the Civil War and The War of 1812, and aid available to the blind and sight impaired.

The meeting then adjourned.